How can we help?

  • Booking
  • Searching
  • Price

Warning: A number of people have been contacted by phone, WhatsApp and email by individuals claiming to represent Cheapflights, offering to book them a trip and requesting direct credit card or wire transfer payment. Some were also asked to provide their passport and identity card numbers.

These direct emails, WhatsApp messages or calls do not come from Cheapflights, but from imposters who are trying to defraud you, or act with other malicious intent.

Do not provide your credit card details, nor wire money to any bank account. If you have provided your credit card number, contact the issuing bank to block your card. If you have provided your passport or identity card number, contact your police station.

Questions about Bookings

  • What should I do if I don't receive a confirmation email?

    Cheapflights is a flight search and travel deals website. We do not take bookings, issue tickets, take payment or have any access to individual travel details. If you haven't received a confirmation from the airline or travel agent you booked with, first check your junk folder. If it's not hiding in there and you still haven't received an email after 24 hours, you'll need to contact your airline or travel agent.

  • How can I change or cancel my booking?

    You'll need to contact the airline or travel agent you booked with as we do not hold nor have any access to individual travel records.

  • I don't know who I booked my flights with. How do I find out?

    The company you booked with should appear on your booking confirmation. If you don't have the confirmation we recommend checking your bank or credit card statement to see who processed your payment.

  • I'm not sure if my booking went through. How do I find out?

    Don't try to book again - you could end up with two bookings. Contact the company you booked with directly to confirm if the transaction was successful.

  • Is hold baggage included in the prices shown?

    Prices online are usually for flight fares only but they will include mandatory fees such as airport and fuel taxes. Hold baggage is often an extra cost. You would need to check the baggage price and allowance on the airline/agency site and add this on as you go through the booking process.

Questions about Searching

  • Can you help me with a flight quote?

    You can use our powerful flight, hotel and car hire search tool to find the best deal, but you will need to contact the company offering the deal for a tailored quote.

    You can also sign up for our world-class newsletter to find out about travel deals and sales straight to your inbox.

  • How do I search for flights for a large group?

    Our search criteria allows you to search for multiple flights of up to nine people, but you will not see a group discount for this type of search. Group discounts are best secured by searching for a single ticket fare, and then contacting the supplier for additional deals.

Questions about Price

  • What's included in the price shown?

    The prices you see on Cheapflights should include all mandatory fees. However, you'll need to check non-mandatory fees such as seat selection, baggage and meals before you book your flight with your chosen airline or travel agent. These fees normally show up as you go through the process of booking and paying for your flight. Please note, all fares are subject to availability.

  • Is hold baggage included in the prices shown?

    Prices online are usually for flight fares only but they will include mandatory fees such as airport and fuel taxes. Hold baggage is often an extra cost. You would need to check the baggage price and allowance on the airline/agency site and add this on as you go through the booking process.

  • Can I trust the partners on your site?

    Each of our thousands of partners goes through a vetting process, whereby we can set the highest standards of service for our users. If you have any questions or concerns about a partner, please contact us.